At Riverside Drive and Van Nuys Blvd

East Face

North Face


West Face
‘Ladies Of The Valley’ utility box located at Riverside Drive and Van Nuys Blvd. Painted by Susan Holloway and Jonathan Nesmith with a grant from the city of Sherman Oaks, California.

‘The Sunbathers’ utility box located at Harvey Drive and Glenoaks Blvd. Painted by Susan Holloway and Jonathan Nesmith with a grant from the city of Glendale, California.

'Made By Muses' utility box located at Kenwood Street and Broadway. Painted by Susan Holloway and Jonathan Nesmith with a grant from the city of Glendale, California.
The work includes a continuous poem which reads:
'...and they emerged for another glimmering moment, as the symphony of rain became a summer song, then a strange majesty unfolded before them, like the veil of twilight dissolving into perfume...'